Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Me, My Outlook and..

I have been a corporate guy for the past year and a half now. Crisp shirts, smart pants, leather belts and shiny shoes, that's how you would see me 5 days a week x 8hrs a day. That's 40 hrs a week of sheer professionalism.

These 40 hrs a week I'm expected to stay Calm, collected and most importantly ACT professional. And I think.. this ACTING professional thing is really driving me crazy now!

To be more clear check out the snazzy chart or in corporate terms, 'Kindly acknowledge the data in the graphical spreadsheet.'

* Above figures may have been tweaked to please managers!

As you can clearly see i spend a good 52 % of the day on communications, 38% of which is outlook based. For all the late bloomers, 'Outlook' is a personal information manager developed by Microsoft that helps you manage all your electronic mail.

A gentle greeting, concise subject, descriptive body, thankful closure and salutations is what i have to frame at least 15 - 50 times in a day. I see 10's of different salutations each day often a derivative of a simple word 'Regards'.Also, I prefer to use the root word, so my emails would read..


Animesh Kundu

The derivatives would go as warm regards, best regards, kind regards and so on. Ya! cause unlike those regards the regards that i dish out, are usually cold, stale and rude, eh?  :|

Anyways, not straying away from the gist here, "When at work, outlook is inseparable".

Birthday greetings, farewell's, invitations, treats, party mailers and.. ya! work mails too.. it's outlook all the way! All with a professional touch.

It's almost like a stuck up official facebook. Sometimes you miss the regular one on one conversations. People no longer speak as much at work, cause now they all have a changed outlook towards speaking out loud.

Ever wondered what it is like to convey everyday events in an official email, imagine explaining to the HR people and your pals at work ,why your in jeans on a Wednesday.. (yes! apparently it's a big deal to be wearing jeans on a formal working day.)

From: Kundu, Animesh ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Sent: Wednesday, |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 10:19 AM

To: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Subject: Why am i wearing jeans today?

Dear All,

Today is a sad day.

Today we mourn the death of a companion, my only pair of formal shoes…

At 21:47 hrs yesterday as I opened the shoe cabinet and reached for my beloved shoes to apply a fresh coat of shine on it… little did I realize that a devilish iron nail sticking out from the cabinet could be so fatal.

As I grabbed my shoe, so did the nail; in the process ripping it from the sole(read 'Soul').

At 21:55 hrs we rushed him to the shoe doctor. They said he was in a critical state.

At 8:05 hrs this morning ‘My only pair of Formal shoes’ left earth for its heavenly abode.


P.s I hope this answers why I'm wearing Jeans today.. as obviously, it would be very awkward wearing formal pants with a pair of trekking shoes.

I hope you understand.

Animesh Kundu

true story!

By now and if you must think that I've completely lost it... i have just four words for you..

you're not entirely wrong! =)

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