Monday, December 5, 2011

Walking to work

8:45 AM: Just about to finish my bowl of flakes.

15 minutes, it takes me 15 minutes to walk to work. I know it's a bit of a convenience considering the hour long ordeal it would rather be in the sweltering heat of Mumbai.. But that is not what this is about. I am late, yes AGAIN!

Three alarms and still L.A.T.E! Anyways gotta run..

8:47 AM: Keys -check, phone - check, wallet - check, watch - check! OK - out of door - now the long walk down the hallway. The hallway always kinda spooks the hell out of me. It always reminds me of those creepy corridors they show in the SAW series. No windows and locked doors, you never know if anybody is behind them. For all you know a bloody hand creeps up on to your shoulder as you go past that next door. :S

8:49 AM: Waiting for the lift - Have you ever had that feeling when the building lift is just not moving fast enough? and for some reason my lift stops at every floor, even when you know there is barely anybody else moving in or out of it. All you hear is the the lift door open and close. *feels a chill go down his spine*

Did I lock the door? yes I did! or did I? whoa whoa.. hold on.. lets roll it back a bit.. I remember taking out the key.. what did I do next? did I  lock the freaking door? - Of forgetting birthdays, important dates and other petty things, this is the worst kind of memory loss! The part where I can never remember if I put in the grove and rotated the key!

*ting* The lift's here.. what about the door? f*ck it!

8:51 AM: On the streets - 6 minutes off schedule - alright then power walking it is! But before that.. time for a quick pseudo smoke. With the slight nip in the air allowing the spontaneous condensation of your breath.. a few puff's are all in good spirit!

In fact I have a theory, the density of  smoke generated is directly proportional to how buttoned your overcoat is. This of course is when your are either poor and/or from a really hot and humid foreign land and don't have a choice of winter wear to choose from!

8:53 AM: As I walk past the first intersection I see bunch of men re-stocking The Standing Order with barrels of drought beer. The truckers looks grim, they see me as a nuisance trying to obstruct them as I walk casually expecting them to move unlike the others who chose to walk on the other side of the road. A few grins exchanged I find my way through the stench of fermented malt.

No grudges there, I kind of empathize these truckers. Poor lads couldn't get a pint of larger despite driving truckloads of it all night.

8:55 AM: As I approach Costa - There's the Filipino gang skyping on free wifi, the bendy wrist gay dude all suited up for work and habibi - The equally ravishing counterpart of the Lebanese dame from my gym. I pass them all by as now I'm literally jogging to work.

I can't resist but take another quick look at habibi. Those stilettos and that short skirt were a match made in heaven.

Now here's the thing, the other day this lad comes up to me and says, "how can women wear short skirts in winter?!" to which i softly replied.. I don't know that! But what I do know is if that is the first question that pops in your head on seeing short skirts, there is 83% chance that you are gay.

8:59 AM: The Big Issue - I just lost another 2 minutes gawking at habibi. Now, at the final corner I am almost there but I still have to dodge the Big Issue seller. Basically he is a homeless guy trying to make a living by selling magazines and I totally respect the effort he puts into it. He cracks me up with his one liners.With stuff like "yabba-dabba-doo, buy The Big Issue, only from Scooby Doo" or "Please buy the last copy of The Big Issue so that I can go home in peace!" or "Big Issue. Only 50p, just the price of a cuppa tea". Its difficult not to just stand there and hear him go at it all day.

9:01 AM: It's a touch down! Time to face my mortal enemy once again - the office lift. People ask me, "why don't you just take the stairs?" I look these people straight into their eyes and tell them "That is just outrageous! what sort of a lazy person does that?" Anyways, after twiddling my thumbs, pretending to watch BBC and staring the carpet through the left corner of my eye for what seemed like an eternity the lift finally arrived.

9:06 AM: When you are the last person to arrive at work and don't wanna show it, try to walk in with a confident look like never left. You were gone for some coffee and a piss but were there since like 7AM . I like to believe it works, although secretly I know it doesn't and hope nobody spots me sneaking into my desk.

Well, that about sums it up.Talk about monday morning blues!


Friday, January 28, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean and Everywhere Else

Ahoy Me Hearties!

I recently came across this cool way to talk 'Pirate' on facebook. Another one of these nicknack's the amazing world of facebook has to offer and trust me I've been hooked literally.

Suddenly, my news feed is called the booty, The inbox is my bottle o' messages, My friends are my mateys, the women in my profile are wenches and men are mate's. Blimey!

Well this got me to do a bit of me own Pirate research and look what i dug out.

Obscure but Awesome Pirate facts you din't know.. Till now!

1. When a pirate said "shiver me timbers" it was actually a request for another pirate to shave an especially difficult to reach portion of his back. While pirates would allow their faces and chests to get hairy, there was a strong superstition against hairy backs. By the way, "shiver" means "shave" and "timbers" means "lower back."
          - Not exactly where you were going with this ,eh?!

2. Female pirates were very common and much prized for their hair-free lower backs.
          - Ahem..

3. Pirates were known for chasing busty wenches on Caribbean ports.  However, there were a few “gentlemen” pirates who were above such rude behavior, or at least they were a little more discreet in their rum drinking and wench chasing.
          - Looking for chivalry ladies!

4. Gilbert and Sullivan were the two most dangerous pirates to ever live. Born conjoined twins, they were finally blown apart during a vicious sea battle with a British Major General when an errant cannonball struck their shared hip. While together, they were considered to be the King of Pirates. Apart, they were forced to retire to a life in the theater, reenacting their final battle in Penzance for pennies a day.
        - Okay! I'm not buying this one..

5. They took care of their own! By writing into the ship’s constitution that crewmen would be compensated for being maimed or losing a limb. They even priced it out in detail:

Loss of a right arm: 600 pieces
Left arm: 500
Right leg: 500
Left leg: 400
Eye: 100
Finger: 100

6. The Jolly Roger's (Skull and Cross bone)

The Jolly Roger is the flag hoisted to identify the ship's crew as pirates. How did the Jolly Roger get its name? Nobody knows for sure – although some historians believe it comes from the English pronunciation of Ali Raja, the Arabic words for “King of the Sea.”

        - Some snazzy bone work there!

7. .Some odd but famous pickup lines used by Pirates,
  • Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?
  • Wanna shiver me timbers?
  • They don’t call me Long John because my head is so big.
  • That’s the finest pirate booty I’ve ever laid me eyes on.
 and how could the female pirates stay too far behind?
  • Aye, I guarantee ye, I've had a twenty percent decrease in me "lice ratio!"
  • Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad!
  • So, tell me, why do they call ye, "Cap'n Feathersword?"
  • You. Pants Off. Now!
           - I guess that last one is timeless and pretty much independent of the profession..

8. Some very well known quotes Pirates quoted,
  • To err is human , To Arr is Pirate 
  • Surrender your booty 
  • Time flies when you're having rum
  • Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife, doomed is your soul and damned is your life

9. And some yum Pirate recipes of their time,

Water and rum mixed together was often called Grog. A dram (a small amount) of rum was often added to a sailor's water ration.
Rumfustian consists of sugar, sherry, ale, egg yolk, lemon peel, gin, cinnamon stick, nutmeg and several cloves.

Ginger Rum (Caribbean)

Take a big glass jar. Fill it halfway up with fresh ginger, pour white rum to the top and put the lid on. Let it stand for about two weeks and "roll" the jar two times a day. After two weeks the rum turn golden, this means that it is ready. Serve straight in small glasses.

What can i say.. They loved their Rum!


12 oz Ale
1 oz Brandy
1 oz Lemon Juice
1 Egg yolk
1 tbsp Granulated Sugar
1/4 tsp ground Ginger

So you see, apart from the looting, pillaging and plundering, pirates weren't such bad people after all. That's if you go beyond their bad breath and outrageously stinkful bodies, you'll find a fun loving weirdo who after hard day of man slaughterer just wanted to have some light heated fun.
And that's how we want to remember them.. So let go at times, be a little weird, have a little fun, be a tinsy winsy psychopath.. umm ok don't be a psychopath! But all the other good things i just said out there..

You know what i mean.. grab an eye patch, make yourself a wooden peg, tie a bandanna, wear funny hats..
and as they say "Hoist a new figurehead to yer litany of misdeeds!"

That actually just means putting up a new profile pic on facebook.. But you can do more than that! =)

  • Ahoy                          " Hello!"
  • Avast!                        " Hey! " or "Who goes there?
  • Blimey!                       "An exclamation of surprise"
  • Booty                         "Loot" 
  • Davy Jones' locker     "The bottom of the sea"
  • Me                             "A piratical way to say "my"
  • Me hearties                "Typical way for a pirate leader to address his crew"
  • Matey                        "A piratical way to address someone in a cheerful, friendly fashion"
  • Pillage                        "To raid, rob, and sack a target ashore"
  • Pirate                         "A seagoing robber and murderer. Contrast with privateer"
  • Rum (noun)                "Traditional pirate drink"
  • Wench                       "A young woman or girl, especially a peasant girl"